Over Metrohm Nederland
Metrohm Nederland verkoopt al meer dan 50 jaar de producten van Metrohm AG, Masterflex en Metrohm Process Analytics in Nederland

De missie van Metrohm Nederland is het streven naar een langdurige relatie met haar afnemers door het leveren van een optimale performance wat betreft diensten en distributie. De diensten richten zich op applicatiesupport, training en opleiding en technische service. Voor de applicatie-ontwikkeling hebben zij laboratoria ter beschikking met productspecialisten die volledig ten dienste staan van haar afnemers.
Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
The beginnings
The history of our company starts in 1943. That was when the engineer Bertold Suhner started constructing technical apparatus in Herisau, Switzerland. Bertold Suhner was a brilliant inventor. Among other things he constructed radios, oscilloscopes and teraohmmeters, i.e. instruments with which extremely strong electrical resistances can be measured.
We are independent
Bertold Suhner had a philosophy that still determines our thoughts and deeds today. Independence plays a central role in this philosophy. We have always grown from our own strength and have never surrendered our independence to banks or the stock market. This gives us the freedom to make long-term plans and decisions – in the interest of our customers, our employees and the region we call home.
Innovations made in Herisau/Switzerland
We have been just as logical in developing and producing all our products ourselves. The know-how and the technology required to do this is enormous. But it’s well worth it. We are regarded as one of the most innovative companies in our branch. Our customers can rely on the high quality of our products. And our employees benefit from attractive and long-term secure employment.